Proper Use of Salient

The word “Salient” is an important trademark for our company.

The word “Salient” refers only to our company, Salient Corporation, d/b/a Salient Management Company.  It does not refer to software, services, or any other deliverables.  When referring to the software, please refer to it as “the software,” “UXT,” or “Margin Minder.”  If you are not sure whether a use of the word “Salient” is correct, you can add the word “Corporation” or the words “Management Company” after it and ask yourself whether your sentence remains coherent.


Examples are below.  Note that in examples where “Salient” is used twice, one use is correct and the other is incorrect.

Incorrect: Client X implemented Salient in 2007.

Translates To:  Client X implemented Salient Corporation in 2007.

Correct: Client X implemented UXT in 2007.


Incorrect: Salient’s trainers show users how to navigate through Salient.

Translates To:  Salient Management Company’s trainers show users how to navigate through Salient Management Company.

Correct: Salient’s trainers show users how to navigate through the software.


Incorrect: Salient’s Application Consulting Group connects Client X’s data to Salient.

Translates To:  Salient Management Company’s Application Consulting Group connects Client X’s data to Salient Management Company.

Correct: Salient’s Application Consulting Group connects Client X’s data to Margin Minder.


Incorrect: Salient can answer most queries within X seconds!

Translates To:  Salient Corporation can answer most queries within X seconds!

Correct: UXT can answer most queries within X seconds!